Education was historically considered the great equalizer in American society, capable of lifting less advantaged children and improving their chances for success as adults. It is the engine of a thriving democracy. A body of recently published scholarship suggests that the achievement gap between rich and poor children is widening, a development that threatens to dilute education’s leveling effects and American democracy. It is a well-known fact that children from affluent families tend to do better in school. Now, in analyses of long-term data published in recent months, researchers are finding that the gap between rich and poor students has grown substantially. A Stanford University study has found that the gap in standardized test scores between affluent and low-income students has grown by about 40 percent since the 1960s. In another study, by researchers from the University of Michigan, the imbalance between rich and poor children in college completion — the single most important predictor of success in the work force — has grown by about 50 percent since the late 1980s. The changes are tectonic, a result of social and economic processes unfolding over many decades. And, the data from most of these studies end in 2007 and 2008, before the recession’s full impact was felt. Researchers said that based on experiences during past recessions, the recent downturn was likely to have aggravated the trend. A study by researchers at the Center for Advanced Studies at the Juan March Institute in Madrid, scheduled to appear in the journal Demography, found that in 1972, Americans at the upper end of the income spectrum were spending five times as much per child as low-income families. By 2007 that gap had grown to nine to one; spending by upper-income families more than doubled, while spending by low-income families grew by only 20 percent. The gap is also growing in college. The University of Michigan study looked at two generations of students, those born from 1961 to 1964 and those born from 1979 to 1982. By 1989, about one-third of the high-income students in the first generation had finished college; by 2007, more than half of the second generation had done so. By contrast, only 9 percent of the low-income students in the second generation had completed college by 2007, up only slightly from a 5 percent college completion rate by the first generation in 1989. Greatest country in the world, right? Banana republic here we come.
February 17, 2012
February 15, 2012
The top sources of air pollution are burning fossil fuels (such as gas, oil, and coal), and industrial emissions, both of which are prevalent in the Salt Lake Valley, a smog-rich environment. Fine particulate matter pollutants consist of microscopic particles of metal, carbon, sulfates, and other materials that result from these sources of pollution. These specks of dust are about 30 times smaller than the thickness of a human hair, so they can be inhaled deep into the lungs. Breathing fine particulate matter may harm the cardiovascular system in two ways: if particles find their way into the bloodstream they can make blood vessels less elastic, and they may also boost activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which tends to increase heart rate and blood pressure and trigger the release of stress hormones. New research suggests that even a brief uptick in traffic-related air pollution may be enough to increase a person's short-term risk of stroke. The study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, was conducted by researchers at Brown University School of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and the Harvard School of Public Health. It analysed 10 years of data from a Boston stroke center. It found that strokes are more likely to occur immediately following 24-hour periods in which air quality drops from the range the Environmental Protection Agency considers “good” into "moderate." The study compared 1,705 stroke cases in the Boston area with detailed data on the day-to-day levels of various airborne pollutants, including vehicle emissions such as particulate matter, black carbon, and nitrogen dioxide. After taking into account each patient's medical history, the researchers concluded the odds of having a stroke were 34% higher following a day of "moderate" air quality than following a "good" air day. Based on this finding, they estimate that a 20% reduction of levels of fine particulate matter would have prevented 6,100 of the 184,000 stroke hospitalizations that occurred in the northeastern United States in 2007.
A second study, appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association, provides additional evidence that air pollution may increase cardiovascular risk. In that study, a team of French researchers at at the University Paris Descartes re-analyzed data from 34 previous studies conducted around the world. Most of the studies used methods similar to those analyzed by the Brown study. Higher levels of airborne pollutants, including particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide, were associated with a slight increase in the short-term risk of heart attack. The researchers observed an uptick in heart risk even at pollution levels classified as safe by the World Health Organization. The increase in heart attack risk was small on the individual level, but it can have a substantial impact at the population level. In addition to affecting blood flow, air pollution appears to increase inflammation, an immune system response that is believed to contribute to both heart disease and strokes. If inhaled pollutants reach the alveoli, the tiny sacs in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide pass into and out of the bloodstream, they trigger an inflammatory reaction. They can also spread through the blood stream and reach the heart. Breathe!