Drove out to Rockford, Illinois for the annual John Whitmer Historical Association conference. Had a good drive out and really enjoyed the conference. Met some great people, connected with a good friend, and learned interesting things.
Then drove up to Stillwater (no, not Backwater), Minnesota to visit my son and family, and meet my new grandson. When I drove up, Josh came out and gave me a hug, which meant a lot to me. It was really nice to see him. I went in and met Gavin. I loved holding him and watching him move about and unintentionally headbutt things now and then. He’s beautiful and advanced physically and intellectually for his age.
He’s very interested in what’s going on around him. He loved it when I walked around the back yard with him. We got along well, and I loved being able to hold him and get to know him a little. The whole time, I was enjoying holding Gavin and talking to them and just being together. They have made a great life together. It’s hard work having a new child with both of them working, but they are doing a great job. Here’s a brief video of Gavin and Josh:
And another of Gavin:
The trip was absolutely great for the things it was intended for, the conference and especially seeing Josh and Gavin. Really glad I did it.
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