How sweet is the light, what a delight for the eyes to behold the sun! Even if a man lives many years, let him enjoy himself in all of them, remembering how many the days of darkness are going to be. The only future is nothingness!
Ecclesiastes 11:7-8

January 5, 2009

Caught up on some more of my New York Review of Books articles. Scanned a couple of things from a Bernard Bailyn review which was good practice. Had to kind of re-learn using my new, expensive versions of Paint Shop Pro (X2) and PaperPort (12) with the MFC 6490. Finally got everything I need. OCR was a little tougher than images are. Had to add a step to use the scanner dialog so I could modify the scan area. Finally worked well. Software gets the text quite accurately. Ready to go at my journals now even though I’m doing them as images. Would like to have those done before I go out to Utah on the 25th. Also spent time looking up apartments in SLC. Have a few options bookmarked.