How sweet is the light, what a delight for the eyes to behold the sun! Even if a man lives many years, let him enjoy himself in all of them, remembering how many the days of darkness are going to be. The only future is nothingness!
Ecclesiastes 11:7-8

July 2, 2010

I prefer even numbers. I don’t know why exactly. It’s just that all those other numbers seem so… well, odd. My favorite number is 12. The multipliers, 3 and 4, fine numbers in their own right, represent the divine (3) because it is the number of the trinity, or what Mormons refer to as the Godhead, and the 4 corners of the earth. So, 12 is the joining of heaven and earth, a worthy goal, if I do say so myself. That’s why 7 is often thought of as a lucky number, because it adds 3 and 4. Number12 But as we all know, multiplying is much more powerful than mere adding, so 12 is a greater number. And, it’s even! Two other really good numbers are 4 and 8. Not only are they very even numbers, their multipliers are all even as well. Can’t get any better than that. My current phone number has almost no even numbers in it, which is disappointing, but there wasn’t anything I could o about it, so I try not to let it bother me too much. My previous apartment number, 312 was very good because, of course, it had 12 in it, and the other number, 3, is a multiplier of 12. So, 312 has a unity about it that was quite appealing. Same thing with my current apartment number, 728. 28 is an even number, and everyone knows that if you can score that many points, and you don’t have a totally useless defense, you have a good chance of winning. Also, as before, 7 is a multiplier of 28, so there is that internal unity we all strive for and appreciate so much. Nice to have at least some things squared away.

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